Production Time
Engraving only | 5 working days |
Screen Printing | 5-7 working days |
Digitally Printing | 5 working days |
Production times are approximate and do not include shipping time. |
Rush Orders
Have an event that you need your badges for? We want to make sure you get your badges on time.
If you have an in-hands date, let us know and we can make it happen. We may have to expedite shipping but it is our goal to get all orders through the factory without any rush charges if at all possible. Sometimes rush charges are unavoidable and if we have to add them, we will let you know.
If you have an in-hands date, let us know and we can make it happen. We may have to expedite shipping but it is our goal to get all orders through the factory without any rush charges if at all possible. Sometimes rush charges are unavoidable and if we have to add them, we will let you know.
Phone Orders
Sorry, our badge machines aren't allowed to use the telephone; we only accept written orders.
The best way is to send in all your information electronically. For all the old school types, we do have a fax line that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you do fax in an order, we require that the personalization be submitted electronically in either a text document or spreadsheet.
Cancellation Charges
If you can catch us before we start on your order, there are no cancellation charges. Orders cannot be cancelled after the order has been produced. Once a proof has been provided, you are responsible for all setup and color matching charges.
Proofs take time and slow down the production process. We want to make sure you get your badges as quickly as we can, so proofs are not routinely provided. All new layouts received a proof as part of the setup process. After approval, a template is created and stored on our server. All repeat orders will be identical to the approved layout. We import the personalization directly for your supplied list. If the list is correct, the badges will be too.
Digitally Printed Badges | A proof for layout is provided at the time of the initial order. Once that proof is approved, we are always happy to provide that same proof anytime. All additional proofs are $5.00 (R) each. |
Laser Engraved Badges | A proof for layout is provided at the time of the initial order. Once that proof is approved, we are always happy to provide that same proof anytime. All additional proofs are $5.00 (R) each. |
Standard Engraved Badges | All proof for standard engraving are $5.00 (R) |
Electronic Art
Sorry to all the Apple fans out there, we are a PC based company. Vector formats are best for production so send us your EPS, AI, or CDR files. If you have a PDF, we may be able to use it and will let you know if we can't. While we can print from other files such as JPG or BMP, we cannot control those formats in terms of color or quality.
Arrangement of Copy
If you have an idea of what you want your badge to look like, send it in, even if it is just a sketch. No clue? No problem! Our talented Art Department can design the badge of your dreams. We will send a proof for your approval and will make changes if necessary.
Warehousing Policy
The easiest way to get a better price is to utilize our FREE Warehouse Release Program. The badges you need are shipped right away and the remaining badges are held in our warehouse. Take advantage of quantity discounts. Your reorder is filled quickly and easily. There is no minimum release quantity and the only charge is for shipping and handling. Shipping is billed monthly and can be billed directly to a shipping account if it is submitted with each release order.
When ordering badges from stock to be personalized, you must:
- Identify badge by logo
- Identify PO number and date of original print order.
- Furnish ship-to address every time, or we will ship it to you. We cannot look up original address.
- Badges cannot be returned for personalization after they have been shipped out.
*PLEASE NOTE: Inventory orders should be based on an approximate year’s worth of usage. If you anticipate having an unusually large order this year, you can place a large inventory order. Just be aware that inventory left over at the end of the year will be re-billed for the difference between pricing then in effect and what the inventory was purchased at.
*PLEASE NOTE: Your inventory will remain active for two years after each release. If there has been two years of inactivity, your inventory will expire and any remaining badges will be discarded without further notice. If you need more badges after that, it will be a new order complete with setup charges.
If this is your first order with us, we will need your credit card information too. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Once we get to know each other a little better, we may be able to place you on net terms.
Patents and Copyrights
We trust that you own the rights to any designs, artwork, colors, layouts, arrangements, characters, etc. of your designs. In the event that someone else doesn't think so, the customer assumes full responsibility for all claims and/or litigation arising from alleged infringement of licenses, patents or copyrights on any requested design or copy.
Die Cuts
No one ever said that badges have to be rectangular. If you want something a little different, maybe an oval or circle, perhaps a shape that mimics your logo, no problem. We have the capability to cut your badge into whatever shape you want. It costs a little bit more but sometimes the cost is worth it. Contact us for more details.